Huntington Park offers a full range of athletic teams. These teams compete against other schools in the district and the surrounding area. Playing on a team can increase school spirit, build self-confidence, and improve fitness. Tryouts for the teams usually take place the previous semester. For more info on tryouts contact the coach. We currently have 385 students participating in all our sports programs.
Huntington Park High School
Game Spectator Guidelines
Spectators must participate in LAUSD screening protocol.
Spectators are allowed to bring their own water.
Snack Bar will Be Open
No outside food allowed.
Tickets: Will be sold for Playoffs Only and All Football Games.
Gate for all sports open at 2:45PM and 3PM Only until schools is dismissed.

Winter Sports
Spring Sports

In order to participate in extra curricular competitions, including both athletic and club competitions, a student must maintain a 2.0 GPA. Eligibility is determined every 10 weeks and is based on the 10 and 20 week report cards. CV-19 guidelines will determine future policies.