Computer Science
The World Runs In Code
ICT - Information and Communication Technologies Sector supports the training and development of future community members who can understand, manage, and support the emerging and evolving computer software, networking, telecommunications, and information systems. Essential skills for careers in the ICT sector include the ability to work well and communicate clearly, understand systems that support the flow a data, and manage task driven projects efficiently. More than 70% of jobs in this sector require a bachelor’s degree or higher.
SSD - Software and Systems Development Pathway
Students in the Software and Systems Development pathway prepare for careers related to computer science that involve the design, development, implementation, maintenance, and management of systems that rely on software programs to satisfy the operational needs of modern business organizations. Persons with expertise in systems development and programming are critical to support operations like electronic commerce, medical records management, retail sales and inventory management, digital entertainment, and use of energy. Sample occupations associated with this pathway:
Students in the Software and Systems Development pathway prepare for careers related to computer science that involve the design, development, implementation, maintenance, and management of systems that rely on software programs to satisfy the operational needs of modern business organizations. Persons with expertise in systems development and programming are critical to support operations like electronic commerce, medical records management, retail sales and inventory management, digital entertainment, and use of energy. Sample occupations associated with this pathway:
- Computer Programmer
- Software Developer/Applications
- Information Security Analyst
- Web Developer
- E-Business/E-Commerce Specialist
Exploring Computer Science is a year-long, research-based, high school intro-level computer science curriculum and teacher professional development program that focuses on broadening participation in computing.
HTML + CSS Student Work
Every developer on their journey to be a master web developer learns HTML in the first place. After being handy with HTML, one proceeds to the next step of learning, which is CSS. The modern-day webpages are so robust and made of advanced technology. Therefore, the question here is – Is HTML and CSS enough to create a website?
The short answer here is Yes.
For a static website that displays text, images, links, and buttons beautifully, HTML and CSS are more than enough to get you a good-looking landing page or even a business website